TEXMO CPVC Pipes & Fittings are manufactured under strict quality control with latest technology conforming to ASTM-D-2846 specification. Pipes are produced in SDR 11 & 13.5 and fittings are produced in SDR11 specifications. No longer does anybody have to live with primitive metal-based plumbing systems having limited life and many inherent disadvantages. Now we are presenting TEXMO CPVC Plumbing System. Repairing/Remodeling and old building or developing a new complex, TEXMO CPVC Plumbing System is ‘The Right Choice’ over Copper, Galvanized Iron (GI) or any other Alternative Plastic System. TEXMO CPVC pipes are safe, uninterrupted and effective transportation of water and other fluids for home or industrial consumption. It is effectively used for conveyance of cold water & hot water of 100°F resulting no change in the physical condition of the pipes.

- Strong and Durable
- Better Flow Characteristic
- Resistant to Corrosion & Rusting
- Fire Safe
- Energy Saving
- Long Lasting & Maintenance Free
- Economical
- High rise residential buildings, complexes and societies
- Hotels
- Office Complexes
- Villas, farm-houses and individual homes
- Solar water heaters and geezers.
- Commercial and industrial installations such as laboratories, transportation of chemicals
- Lower sizes ½” to 2″ meets the requirement up of 2″ of ASTM D-2846, pipes are produced in SDR 11 & 13.5 and fittings are produced in SDR 11.
- Pipes in SDR 11 & 13.5 manufactured as per IS : 15778.
- Higher sizes 2½” to 6″ pipes in Schedule 40 & 80 per ASTM F441 and fittings in Sch 80 as per ASTM F 439.
- SDR-11 Pipes are rated at a continuous working pressure of 400 psi at 23°C and 100 psi at 82°C.
- SDR 13.5 pipes are rated at a continuous working pressure of 320 psi at 23°C and 81 psi at 82°C.
- Margin of safety is provided, should unusual short-term conditions be encountered above these levels.