TEXMO Casing Pipes are manufactured under strict quality control with latest technology As per IS-12818/2010 specifications, DIN: 4925 & ASTM-F480 Standards. TEXMO Casing Pipes proves to be the most vital and long lasting for a tube well when these are properly selected and installed as per the site conditions, thus make a tube well dependable for longer period. In the past metal Casing of M.S. material in plain as well as in screen were the first choice of the customer for their tube wells but over the period of time, due to deterioration of the metal of the screen pipe, due to rusting/corrosion an there by formation of bacteria in the stagnant water and contamination of water source etc. material for casing pipes to replace the metallic ones. It has not only replace the metal pipes to PVC but also by way of the modifications, researches developed well consequently more discharge of water in the bore well. These are manufactured as per the international standards after through checks by quality control laboratory in our factory. TEXMO Casing pipes are best preferred for tube well, domestic wells, irrigation well, industrial wells and mines.

- Low Frictional Loss
- Maintenance Free
- Low Frictional Loss
- Strong and durable
- Light weight
- Domestic – Tube well / Domestic wells.
- Agricultural – Irrigation Wells.
- Industrial – Industrial wells, mines
- Reducers
- Nipples
- Threaded Adapters.
- Ends Plugs
- Ends Plugs
- Centering Guides
CM type casing pipes. | CS type casing pipes. | Ribbed Screen pipes. | TEXMO Turbo Casing. | TEXMO Turbo Plus Casing |
Available in sizes 100, 115, 125, 150, 163 (180), 175, 200, 215 (240), 250, 280 (315)mm. | Available in sizes 150, 175, 200, 215 (240), 250mm. | Available in sizes 100, 125, 150, 175, 200, 215 (240), 250, 280 (315)mm. | Available in sizes 175, 200, 215 (240), 250, 280 (315) mm. | Available in sizes 125, 175, 200, 215 (240), 250, 280 (315) mm. |
- Metal Casing and Screens are costly
- Increased entrance resistance due to vertical slot Opening
- More than 50% of the slot opening is obstructed by filtering media (Gravel Pack) hence low permeability
- Due to local action and corrosive soil nature, the life of the tube wells is as low as two years only
- Metal Casing require special equipments like wedding sets and generating sets for assembly and erection
- Installation will be cost effective and easy
- The horizontal slot openings of TEXMO casing, reduce the entrance resistance and the collapse resistance of the screen in increased
- The ribs on the screen keep the filtering media (Gravel Pack) 2mm away from the slot opening. This increases the permeability of TEXMO ribbed screens
- Slot opening do not offer any resistance to flow as they are not subjected to erosion
- No special equipments are required to assemble and install TEXMO well casing